Whether it's your first time in days, weeks, months, or years.....
by participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation you have an opportunity to experience God’s individual and unwavering love for you, AND His true grace!
Imagine talking with God and asking Him to soften your heart from the hardness of sin.
What might happen if you asked the Spirit to sharpen your conscience, and to help you say no more often to the temptations you might be facing?
What might happen if you praised God for Jesus's death and acknowledged that He died so YOU could be marked for grace?
What might happen if you praised Jesus for paying that costly price and for the depth of His mercy?
Imagine how close and welcomed you might feel.. the peace and joy without all that heavy weight of sin....
Come Home to the Lord- The light is on and the Lord is waiting. IT IS NEVER "TOO LATE" to seek Jesus.