Where to find the churches
Rent Lyons Point Parish Hall?
Parishes-Become a Parishioner
SJTBC - Parish Council
ICC - Parish Council
Eucharistic Adoration
Holy Eucharist - Sacrament of Initiation
Mass Intentions & Memorials
Online Offertory Giving & Works of Mercy
SJTB Cemetery & Mausoleum
Sacraments & Liturgy
General Intercessions
Baptism (Initiation)
Holy Eucharist (Initiation)
Ministers of Holy Communion
Faith Formation & CCD
Confirmation (Initiation)
Lifeteen, Confirmation & After
Faith Formation & CCD
Reconciliation/Confession (Healing)
Confession Times
General Intercessions
Anointing of the Sick (Healing)
Matrimony (Service)
Holy Orders (Service)
Vocation Network
Last Rites
Bereavement & Grief Support Resources
CCD - Faith Formation
CCD Program
Baptism - Sacrament of Initiation
Holy Eucharist - Sacrament of Initiation
Confirmation - Sacrament of Initiation
Lifeteen, Confirmation & After
Holy Orders (Service)
Community Life & Resources
Homebound Ministry
Anointing of the Sick - Sacrament of Healing
Theology of the Body
Pro LIfe
Spring & Fall Fundraiser Events
Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Choir & Music
Ministers of Holy Communion
Holy Eucharist - Sacrament of Initiation
Reconciliation/Confession - Sacrament of Healing
Church Environment
Knights of Columbus
Bereavement & Grief Support Resources
Last Rites
How can I sign up?
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
>Mission Chapel - St. Aloysius
Where to find the churches
Where to find the churches
Rent Lyons Point Parish Hall?
Parishes-Become a Parishioner
Eucharistic Adoration
Mass Intentions & Memorials
Online Offertory Giving & Works of Mercy
SJTB Cemetery & Mausoleum
Sacraments & Liturgy
General Intercessions
Baptism (Initiation)
Holy Eucharist (Initiation)
Confirmation (Initiation)
Reconciliation/Confession (Healing)
Anointing of the Sick (Healing)
Matrimony (Service)
Holy Orders (Service)
Last Rites
CCD - Faith Formation
CCD Program
Lifeteen, Confirmation & After
Community Life & Resources
Homebound Ministry
Theology of the Body
Pro LIfe
Spring & Fall Fundraiser Events
Liturgical Ministries
Knights of Columbus
Bereavement & Grief Support Resources
How can I sign up?
Lyons Point Parish Hall Rental
Where to find the churches
Rent Lyons Point Parish Hall?
Parishes-Become a Parishioner
Eucharistic Adoration
Mass Intentions & Memorials
Online Offertory Giving & Works of Mercy
SJTB Cemetery & Mausoleum
SJTB Parish Hall in Lyons Point
Beautiful Country Area Parish Hall Available for Rent
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Parish Hall located in Lyons Point is available for rental to parishioners, family and friends!
Contact Hall Coordinator, Rhonda L. Breaux by calling the church office at 337-783-2968 and leaving her a message for details and booking.